jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

College jose asuncion silva.

I pledge: To make proper use of equipment, to keep it in good encuenta estadoy have the following performance standards:

1) A does not enter the computer room with suitcases briefcases or similar.

2) A non-use within the room or drink or chew gum.

3) A does not move the computer room equipment or relocating the post asiganado.

4) A does not enter the computer room with pencils, pens, markers, maquiilaje ocualquier similar item.

5) In failing to connect USB memory devices or similar cellular mp3 or cd set.

6) A no download or download pornographic images and videos of the mail account from any other peripheral.

7) A no chat

8) A not enter the Salk computing with pliers, pliers, chisels, scalpels, knives, razors, scissors or other sharp pointed material.

9) Not to attempt to circumvent any object or material in the room

10) A not try to commit acts of vandalism.

11) To enter the room in full uniform school

12) To enter the computer room with clean hands properly.

ME: I agree mayra alejandra

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